Kia ora and welcome to what I have called my ‘Cycle for Life’…
Firstly I would like to thank you for now being a part of my adventure, a journey that started in Picton on the 1st of February 2010, which took me down the east coast of the South Island, and then back up the west coast where I completed 2753km’s before I continued my journey up the west coast to the top of the North Island, and then returned to Wellington via the east coast, where I finished on the 2nd of May 2010, after spending a total of 91 days riding a push bike towing a trailer with everything I needed in it, 6237km’s around Aotearoa to raise awareness for all of New Zealand’s children’s charities.
I have never done anything like this before, and on the first day I ventured further on a push bike than I have ever before. I did not have a support crew and so I had to arrange everything myself as I went. Some days I struggled to make the required distance, as every single day presented a different challenge, challenges that ensured this became the biggest adventure of my life so far.
‘Cycle for Life’ was not about me though, it was about the thousands of children all over New Zealand who at some point in their lives need help, and in particular the organizations here in New Zealand which offer that help.
I believe that one person can make a difference, and this was my way to do that. I considered myself lucky to possibly help other people, and I simply hoped that my efforts may inspire someone else who is better equipped to do more than I have been able to do on my own, but regardless of what happens in the future I know that this journey has helped someone, somewhere, and that in itself is a really good feeling to take away from what ‘Cycle for Life’ has done with the support of so many wonderful people all over New Zealand.
I loosely set out to increase awareness of the variety of services that are available to the youth of New Zealand, to remind the people in those services that we appreciate all that they do, and regardless of the size of their organization, that they make our communities a better place. My only goal was to promote the services that assist, serve, protect and inspire young people in their lives.
I encouraged people to look at the website I created for this adventure, to see who I am, what I am doing, and why, to offer support via txt messages and email as they followed the progress of ‘Cycle for Life’, because that support helped me complete each challenge within my journey. However what I really wanted was for people to discover more about an organization that had helped them, or someone they knew, in some way, and for people to want to discover more information about what that organization does within their community, and to then share that information with other people, to contact one of our many organization’s and simply say thank you for the work that they do, or where possible offer to help as a volunteer and become a part of something that helps other people, and if people do want to donate financially I encouraged them to do so directly to the charity of their choice. So my journey was not about raising money, just raising awareness, and I never fully realised how much this would mean until my adventure was almost complete.
I did try to be as prepared as possible for everything and anything. I slowly paid off the 2nd hand trailer which I used to carry all my stuff, including my camera gear, sleeping stuff, cooker and food, and went for a couple of longish rides on my bike (without the trailer), but ‘Cycle for Life’ took three months to complete, I did at least 60km every day with no scheduled rest days and a lot of variables meant I never really knew what would happen next until it had happened.
I had tried to get support for what I was doing by writing to businesses, by letting people know at my part time job and via friends on the internet etc, but it seemed most people were more interested in their own lives than what I was up to, so my biggest challenge initially was building up enough motivation to complete this journey on my own, to not only believe in my ability to do this all by myself (which I knew I had or I wouldn’t have begun the entire process) but also the belief that this was all for more than just myself.
I hoped that even if my efforts failed completely that someone out there might be motivated to believe in themself, and that may just be enough for them to do something more than I could that shows the rest of New Zealand that even though bad things happen to good people, good people still do good things for other people, and that life does not always have to be about ourselves, but it can be about those around us as well.
It was not long until things began to gain momentum, but there were always moments where it seemed like the only person it mattered to was me, and at those moments I just worked just a little harder to show others that this journey was one worth sharing, one that anyone could get involved with, and when I look back now I see that so many people helped me make a difference, that without that help at the moments it was needed my journey would never have been completed.
With only a couple of days to go before I went to Wellington to begin my ‘Cycle for Life’ journey, I have to be honest with you, I was a little bit nervous about the whole thing.
A few people had commented that New Zealand has one of the highest rates of Car vs. Push Bike accidents due to the combination of our small roads, and the carless manor in which some people drive, which often ends very badly for the cyclist, but that was not something that I thought about too much, I was not afraid that I would be killed, in fact I was a little bit surprised I wasn’t, because I knew all I could do was be as careful as possible, and the rest would have to take care of itself.
I had also not done a massive amount of training either, actually I had not really done any training except for a few rehearsal rides to check that the bike actually worked, and they were done without the trailer, so the first day of ‘Cycle for Life’ when I rode from Picton to Seddon was the biggest ride I had done in a single day. Again that was something that I had not really thought a lot about, because I knew that as much as I was looking forward to the adventure, I was also stubborn enough to push myself to complete each day, regardless of what happened, and so I believed on the job training was the best way to go.
I didn’t have much money either because some asshole had stolen the money I had raised selling cards at Christmas, and donations I had received, from the container I made up and had given to the staff at the job I was doing prior to beginning ‘Cycle for Life’. It was something I only discovered a few minutes before I finished working there, and momentarily had me question why I was do something for others when it seemed others were only interested in helping themselves. What made me even angrier was the fact the donation container had logos from a variety of children’s charities on it, and a ‘thank you from me’ letter to everyone I had worked with, so the thief through their actions made me VERY angry, but strangely more, not less, determined. Not having any money to do this trip did not bother me, the reason I didn’t have any money did, but that wasn’t reason to stop me.
My bike had been rebuilt, as had the trailer, and so apart from the occasional puncture I was not expecting to have too many dramas with either of them. I had brought new parts with my pay each week when I could afford them, and by the time I left I had so much stuff that I ended up leaving some of it behind as I could not fit it all into the trailer. I had a tent, a sleeping bag, an air mattress and pump, a butane cooker, a large first aid kit, all my food (porridge and soup) for the entire trip, spare tires, parts, clothes, hundreds of flyers to hand out, all my camera gear, and a range of things that I took with me on the South Island leg that I learnt quickly were not ideal items to be taken on a journey such as I was doing, like a range of books, and other completely unnecessary items, but I was as prepared as I felt I needed to be, and quickly learnt where I went wrong.
The thought of being on my own for 3 months did not bother me either, well no more than it has done at any other stage in my life. Remember that includes separately meeting my birth mother, and then a year later my birth father, on my own when I was 21, going to Australia and having everything stolen the first day I was there, and loosing contact with everyone I had ever known, bouncing from place to place, until one day 12 years later when I had made a life for myself there I give it all up to come home to start relationships with both sides of my birth family, aged 33, and for the very first time I now have an on-going relationship with all members of my family, creating an environment whereby I was able to celebrate events, like this, that occur in my life, and now be in a position where I want to start my own small business, to move forward with the next stage of my life. ‘Cycle for Life’ has become my way of doing that, so if anything I was looking forward to it.
What bothered me and made me nervous was a thought that asked myself what if I did not raise any awareness for the charities I was trying to promote, was I prepared to put in a massive effort to complete this journey I have invested so much time and money in to create knowing that because it was something I was doing on my own, it might not do anything to help anyone, and I decided that the answer to that was yes, it was worth trying simply because if it only helped one person it would have done something more than if I had not done any thing at all, and the only way to help that one person was to do what I set out to do. However as the time got closer to departing I became VERY nervous that all this effort may not make any difference to anyone but me, and I quickly realised that wanting to help others was a very good reason to begin any journey, that by trying I may be able to make a positive difference in someone else’s life.
I thought about this a lot prior to leaving, I thought about how some people go out of their way to rebel against a system, to be seen to not live by the set of rules that most other people live by, and how that effects other people, and how when I was younger I didn’t fully appreciate the freedom I had to be naughty, or nice, that it was not until I got older that I learnt what a different world we would live in if there were no rules, morals, or even religion, and I became grateful for the opportunity I had to remind people that our children, and their children’s children deserve the right to learn, and grow in the same way that we have, regardless of who we are, because we all have a responsibility to do our part not only today, but also tomorrow..
On the day I left Wellington for Picton, where I began the most incredible adventure of my life so far, that covered well over 6000 kilometres of costal roads and highways on a push bike, with no previous experience, the only thing that I was nervous about was that I was not doing enough to make a difference in the lives of those who would follow… so I began to ask people I met to help me make that difference by letting other people know about what I was doing, and it worked, because I achieved far more than I ever expected. When I left Picton at 7.30am on the 1st of February day one was a huge challenge, with a massive hill near the end of the day that took me inland towards the east coast of the South Island, and I discovered three major problems, which were the weight of the trailer, my shoes, and my bike seat.
The trailer was ok on the flat in a straight line, but as it was so heavy, any variation in road surface meant it would magnify significantly the resulting roll of the trailer, meaning it moved differently each time. So at the end of day one I had pulled the load apart, sorted out what I didn't need and left it for someone more deserving of its intended purpose, then reorganised the weight distribution, which is something I had to play around with a little bit until I found an even weight that did not try and throw me off the bike every time I went down a hill.
My shoes initially caused me so much drama that I did not think I would be able to continue on the third day. My feet were so swollen and blistered that by this point I had already used nearly a whole box of plasters. However a little kiwi ingenuity eventually paid off. The problem was that underneath the inner sole there was a patterned sole, and because the innersole was so thin and all the pressure was in one place (where I was standing on the peddle) that it was effectively like standing on a patterned milk create for long periods of time, and once they had blistered I was simply making things worse by continuing to cycle on them.
The fix was to cut out new innersoles from 2 litre milk containers and insert the flat pieces of plastic on top of the rough surface, glue them in place, and get good quality innersoles to go on top, which I had finally managed to do on my way into Christchurch.
The third, and on going problem I had, was getting my big bum comfortable for long periods of time on the seat of the bike, I tried all sorts of things and even though some days it was 'better' than others, it was never always 100%, I tried about 6 different seats and a hundred different seating positions, and the only major break through came when I was in the Coromandel and someone suggested using Aqueous Cream, which I got and it did make a difference, but I was never 100% comfortable, and 100% would have made things much more comfortable every day.. but I did keep going and I never gave up.
The distances I travelled each day were ok, sure they were hard to complete when I first began, and a few days I struggled to finish the days intended stop, but that was to be expected and having goals each day to accomplish in fact made each day more satisfying once it was completed, knowing the next day I would have a new challenge was more exciting than re-doing the previous one again. I will be honest and say that I did not enjoy the first few weeks as much as I enjoyed the last few, mainly it was due to my lack of fitness, spending 6 hours dragging myself and bike up places like Summit Road in Akaroa, a road that indicated its nature simply in its name, was something I finished never less with a huge sense of satisfaction, even if some what exhausted.
I did the South Island on a shoe string budget, carrying everything with me that I needed to use on that half on the journey, literally having no idea what I was going to do the next day as I tried to simply complete each day as it came, learning a lot as I went, then reloading in Wellington, adjusting my processes from what I had learnt and did the North Island much easier than I had done the South Island, enjoying it more and more each day, and even though the terrain in the North Island was harder and the distances still challenged me, I never again questioned my ability, silently celebrating every day by looking forward to the next.
For the North Island I took less food with me so I didn’t have to carry as much weight in the trailer, which I’d had strengthened for reliability, along with the bike, after a series of breakdowns around the South Island. I made sure I only carried what I had learnt I needed in the North Island, which included the air mattress so I was much more comfortable at night, plus I was also much healthier than before I started, all of which meant that I was actually much better prepared.
Every day was part of an amazing experience! The massive learning curve now has me believing in myself more than ever, and regardless of what happens from now on I think I did amazingly well when all things are considered, because each day presented a different challenge and each day I over came that challenge to complete the adventure as planned, to prove to myself that I can do anything I want to, even something as crazy as dragging a 50kg+ trailer around the coast of New Zealand on a push bike..
This is my CYCLE FOR LIFE..
Dec 31st, 2009
- Happy new year everybody.. Not long to go now.. Only one more month before this begins..
- Oh.. And if anyone has friends or family I can visit on this trip please let me know via contact details on my website.. :)
Jan 11th, 2010
- Only 19 more days to go.. The trailer arrived yesterday.. Its a mess so I'll spend today fixing it up..
- I would also like to say a special thank you to CHARLIES the fruit juice people for sending a few boxes of their water..
Jan 12th, 2010
- and the INTERISLANDER boat between wellington and Picton are now interested in helping as well..
Jan 15th, 2010
- Only 2 weeks to go.. The weather in Wgtn today is gale force winds and heavy rain.. I might have to take gum boots :)
Jan 17th, 2010
- I'd better get my shit together and finish my bike.. Hope to have it done by wed and photos on blog 4 u thurs.. :)
- In 2 weeks today I'll be near the end of day 1.. Its getting close now.. Like the dude in the ad says.. I'm excited ;)
- My last weekend of night shift at the airport this week.. I hope the staff there know I'll miss them all heaps..
Jan 19th, 2010
- Things are falling into place slowly.. There is no boat from Wgtn to Picton at the time I want so have to leave earlier..
- The trailer doesn’t fit bike properly.. But it will work.. Hopefully the whole way :) ..I don’t want to carry everything
Jan 20th, 2010
- After spending 2 days trying to finish the trailer I finally relent and get someone else to do the last bit.. :(
- I'll get it at lunchtime tomorrow and then I’ll take photos to show everyone.. Holy cow only a little over 1 week to go..
Jan 21st, 2010
- Finally got the photos of my bike and trailer on the website..
Jan 23rd, 2010
- Only two more night shifts to go.. Then its time to do a couple of practice rides with the trailer.. 8 days to go..
Jan 24th, 2010
- Picked up my breakfast (porridge) and lunch (soup) for the next 3 months this morning.. Any ideas what to have at night?
- 6 days to go.. Wed and Fri. I’m going for a rehearsal ride so that leaves 3 days to finalise everything.. No problem :)
- Finished my last day at work and found someone has stolen 90% of the $ from the donation box I had in the staff room :(
- What’s up with today? ..I've just been asked by a charity to remove their logo as I don’t meet the requirements.. ??
Jan 25th, 2010
- Just 4 days to go now.. Canteen wish me all the best and if they can find a t shirt big enough they'll send it 2 me :)
- ha-ha… Someone just said I should put a proper photo of me on website so I can prepare locals b4 we meet face to face :)
Jan 30th, 2010
- My last full day in wellington.. Tomorrow I go to Picton.. Monday the adventure begins.. :)
Jan 31st, 2010
- Only one day to go.. I go to the ferry today to cross from Wellington to Picton.. Which is where I start from tomorrow..
- The weather has really turned it on for me and according to the forecast it will rain for at least the first week.. Yah.
- The trailer is so heavy it's not funny.. Almost dangerous.. I'll have to go through everything again 2nite..
- Camp is made.. I was wondering if there tent pitching protocol? I hope the local park is ok? Soon find out I guess..
- Only one more sleep and 2morro the adventure begins.. Good night everyone
Day1 7.30am PICTON 00000km’s
- Its time for the adventure to begin..
- The Marlborough Wine Festival on Feb13 is at Montana Wines in Blenheim this year & includes Gin Wigmore and Liam Finn..
- Just ran into 2 Rob and Daniel from Canada who are skateboarding from Auckland to Dunedin4 their charity skate4cancer :)
Day1 4pm SEDDON 00054km’s
- That was a lot tougher than planned but day one complete :)
Day2 9.30am SEDDON 00054km’s
- I've had a good sleep and re packed the trailer.. Bring it on :)
Day2 12.30pm WARD 00077km’s
- Just visited the ward gas station staff where I once upon a time took my bus to eat the BEST PIES IN NZ :)
Day2 6pm KEKERENGU 00105km’s
- I'm done for the day and have camp set up looking out over the east coast
- I even managed a little sunburn as I made my way up and down ALOT of steep hills today.. Almost did 50kph down one hill
- The trailer is still too heavy and I think that something will break eventually.. It is very hard work even on the flat
- Yesterday was REALLY HARD WORK and I didn’t enjoy it at all.. today was much better.. Still hard work but enjoyable..
- I'm taking each day as it comes.. Trying to enjoy my surroundings.. And hopefully raise awareness for kids charities :)
Day3 10am KEKERENGU 00105km’s
- Day3 already.. Wow.. I wonder if the rest of this will go as quickly..
- Today I head into Kaikoura.. The marine capital of NZ.. Known all over the world for whale and dolphin watching..
- The whale watching was set up when the railways shut down and is run by the local Maori tribe and benefits the town..
Day3 1230pm CLARENCE 00125km’s
- Stopped on the side of the road cos my legs are being rubbed raw..
- I'll have soup.. Change saddles.. And put some gel between my legs so I can sit down.. Its more annoying than painful
Day3 6pm KAIKOURA 00164km’s
- Who said today was going to be easy? I really didn’t think I would make it
- The other saddle worked better.. But that trailer.. Its so heavy u feel like u have no power and uses all your energy
- 10km out of Kaikoura I was really struggling big time.. I had no water left.. No food.. I had to make myself continue..
- But when I got into town I saw one of my friends from the bus and he said I should join them for dinner.. So I will :)
Day4 8am KAIKOURA 00164km’s
- Today’s goal is in two parts.. The first is to stay positive..
- The second is to get to CHEVIOT.. there are some brutal mountains and VERY steep roads.. Today will be INTERESTING.
- Oh.. And I met some really cool people at dinner last night.. Made me miss driving a bus again 4 more than one reason :)
Day4 12pm OKARAHIA STREAM 00194km’s
- Finally the wind behind me.. I'm in between BIG hills at the moment
- The tail wind will be nice when I’m riding the bike and not pushing it up a hill.. The first one took over an hour..
Day4 7pm CHEVIOT 00235km’s
- Better late than never right? Another long hard day.. But goals completed
- My feet hurt cos my shoes are broken.. My ass hurts cos I weigh too much.. But overall today was a good day.. And HOT!!
Day5 11am CHEVIOT 00235km’s
- I'm late today.. Had a few hiccups with shoes and trailer this morning..
- Then stopped in to see the beautiful people at MAGPIES REST CHEVIOT b4 getting out on the road.. So here we go again :)
Day5 1.45pm FRIDAYS CULVERT 00265km’s
- Feet sore again so shoes go in bin 1st chance 2 get new ones
- Once I get myself sorted out I'll enjoy the riding a bit more..Now it would be nice to fall asleep under this tree :)
Day5 5.15pm WAIPARA 00294km’s
- I keep forgetting 2 say thank you 2 all the people who wave 2 me :)
- Some people beep and wave as they go past.. And that kind of support is keeping me going.. THANK YOU EVERYONE.
Day5 7pm AMBERLEY 00306km’s
- I think I’m getting the hang of this.. Today was a good day.. I enjoyed it the most so far
- There was a sense of elation as I rode into town cos this whole silly idea now seems like it may actually work.. Woo ho
- Ps. My feet and bum still hurt tho
Day6 9am AMBERLEY 00306km’s
- Today I head through Christchurch.. And I have a good feeling about what today will bring..
- Happy WAITANGI DAY.. Today was the day Maori and European signed a treaty so we could have what is today NZ :)
Day6 1130am KAIAPOI 00334km’s
- I've found my way to the WAITANGI DAY celebration in Christchurch.. a good day so far :)
Day6 6pm HALSWELL JUNCTION 00376km’s
- Ok where to start.. I'm in Christchurch.. That was the easy part of my day today..
- The plan was to get into the city then get out and on my way towards where I’m going tomorrow.. And I kind of did that..
- I thought the road to Akaroa would be a loop road.. But the same way in is the way out.. So I thought I might not do it
- And it is ALOT further than I expected.. Approximately 90km each way.. So not going would have saved me 2 huge days..
- At the bike shop they told me it is a tough ride.. But I said I’d go.. And so I will.. In fact.. I'm already on my way..
Day6 8pm TE TAPU 00385km’s
- I'm in trouble with GOD again.. I had to poo behind a church.. Lucky I brought paper huh :)
- I have a strange sensation like I've been here before.. Its weird.. Time for sleep as long day tomorrow.. Good night :)
Day7 9.30am TAI TAPU 00385km’s
- Seems god is a lil' annoyed at me cos my sunglasses are missing 2day..
- The people at church didn’t seem to impressed either.. Maybe they didn’t like where I camped.. Or found my present :)
Day7 1pm LITTLE RIVER 00423km’s
- I hope it clears up on the way to AKAROA cos it looks like its about to rain
Day7 7pm AKAROA 00454km’s
- WHO'S IDEA WAS THAT? Punishing is one of the few words that can describe today..
- I reached the first hill just after I left little river.. 3 hours later I’m still pushing my bike up the same hill..
- Then after 4 or 5 more hills that weren't much easier I finally arrive.. I'm absolutely shattered.. Can hardly stand up
- I'm going to stay in a back packers tonight so I can have a hot shower and good sleep cos I got to do it again tomorrow..
- Yes.. That’s right.. That same road in reverse.. And it will be just as bad.. If not worse.. Oh.. And I’ve got a question
- The trailer is like dragging an average sized woman on a unicycle behind me.. are there any famous female unicyclists?
- I'll name the trailer after her if there is.. Anyway I'm going 2 go and my soak feet cos they are covered in blisters..
- Oh.. And to that nice old lady who stopped her car and offered me an asparagus sandwich thank you.. You're my angel :)
Day8 10.30am AKAROA 00454km’s
- Ok I've delayed departure as long as possible.. Time to get out of this French part of NZ
Day8 5.30pm SUMMIT ROAD 00485km’s
- I'm still on my way to LITTLE RIVER after it was suggested I should take SUMMIT ROAD out of town..
- As the name says it was much steeper than the HILLTOP I crossed yesterday.. That and 20km longer.. No short cuts here :)
- Don’t think I'll make 2Nite's stop but we'll see how far I get.. Make up the lost distance tomorrow.. Nice view here tho.
Day8 8.30pm MOTUKARARA 00520km’s
- I’ve just ridden my bike along what was the old railway line from little river..
- They closed this railway line in 1961 and converted it into a 20km mountain bike track.. Lucky I brought mine then huh
- Now I better find somewhere to stay the night.. The question is where?
Day9 9am MOTUKARARA 00520km’s
- slept next to the highway.. Lucky I’m deaf in one ear.. 2day we head to Ashburton.. 80km?
Day9 1pm BURNHAM 00552km’s
- Okay now I’m on state highway 1 again and have 55km to go.. One long and straight road..
Day9 4.30pm RAKAIA 00582km’s
- I was just thinking I should have put the dots on my map closer together.. Still 30km 2 go
Day9 7.30pm ASHBURTON 00612km’s
- Another successful day.. My bum hurts and feet are still sore.. But I caught up :)
- I went further today than I was meant to because I had to.. I'm still not comfortable on the bike which make it harder..
- I met some really nice people again today who are as much a part of this as I am.. Cos without them I couldn't do it :)
- Please help me raise awareness by asking other people to support me with what I am doing.. I need all of you're help :)
Day10 1130am ASHBURTON 00612km’s
- A late start today due to RAIN here and a need to recover a lil’’ from the last few days
- Today I head towards TIMARU but will stop early in TEMUKA if things are not going so well.. Today’s plan is to cruise :)
Day10 6pm TEMUKA 00674km’s
- The rain has stopped which makes things a lot easier.. Next stop 20km TIMARU :)
Day10 8pm TIMARU 00692km’s
- There are not many places I have not been in NZ but this is one of them..
- On the way into town I was reminded that the greatest race horse ever.. PHAR LAP.. was born here in the early 1900's..
- They've recently unveiled a really good bronze statue of him at the race course so I snuck in and took a few photos..
- Someone is looking after me cos I had a really good ride here.. My bum is still sore but its not as bad as it has been..
- I've thought of many ways to make bike seats more comfortable cos the ones they come with suck.. suspension seat post?
- I've also had it suggested to me that I should make a t shirt with 'cycle for life' etc on it so people can see who I am
- I get lots me time to do lots of thinking.. Mostly I am grateful for the chance to see more of NZ than I have before :)
Day11 12pm TIMARU 00692km’s
- Its always cool for me to go somewhere new.. But now its time to go again..
- Next stop is hopefully OAMARU in 81km's time.. And for those of you paying attention.. Yes.. I'm ahead of schedule :)
Day11 2pm ST ANDREWS 00714km’s
- Its turning out to be a beautiful day here.. Still a fair way to go tho..
Day11 7.30pm OAMARU 00780km’s
- Wow.. I enjoyed that.. And I’m now one day ahead so that’s even better :)
Day12 11am OAMARU 00780km’s
- Okay now that I’m ahead of schedule I can do other things..
- My last detour involved SUMMIT ROAD so I am hoping today’s adventure is more forgiving.. MOERAKI coast here I come :)
Day12 5pm MOERAKI 00824km’s
- I’m taking it very easy today.. But that is giving me the chance to explore
- I use to love doing this when I was driving the bus.. Discovering new and cooler places to visit each trip..
- Everyone had the best time cos they all knew we were doing something we shouldn't be doing.. I miss them and that :)
Day12 9pm MOERAKI 00824km’s
- I've set up camp by the road so I can hopefully get a nice sunrise photo of the boulders..
- The only thing I can complain about today is sunburn.. Not so bad aye? Oh.. And I just had my first puncture :)
Day13 9am MOERAKI 00824km’s
- Its started to rain late last night.. Stopped for an hour at 6am.. And then started again..
- I'm not going anywhere at the moment.. Way too dangerous on the road so I'll see if it stops by midday or decide then..
Day13 1pm MOERAKI 00824km’s
- Cant wait any longer or I'll get behind schedule again.. need to get past PALMERSTON today
Day13 5pm PALMERSTON 00846km’s
- The weather today has simply reminded me how different the day will be..
- TODAY IS HARD WORK. I'll keep going and we'll see how far I can get.. Tomorrows forecast is not looking very good either
Day13 6pm WAIKOUAITI 00860km’s
- Something that makes me especially proud is all towns have war memorials
- Regardless of the size or how remote a place is.. Every town has a memorial for the people of that town who went to war
- Most people only get to see a few of these and I feel privileged to be going from one to the next.. Least we forget :)
Day13 8pm KARITANE 00867km’s
- Ok this is just plain freaky.. My life for me started here.. Let me explain properly..
- Most of you know I was adopted.. Well.. The place I was adopted from was a hospital called KARITANE named after here..
- It seems a psychiatric superintendent called Fredrick Truby King lived here in 1888 and invented our plunket society..
- And that same fella created my hospital and named it after this place.. So.. Life for me.. Started here.. Cool aye :)
- I think I owe it to history to find somewhere to illegally camp here the night.. For history’s sake.. tomorrow Dunedin :)
Day14 8am KARITANE 00867km’s
- No road noise or trains last night for me.. And what a truly beautiful place KARITANE is..
- We've got a few BIG hills today so the sooner I get started the sooner I get done.. The plan is to go past Dunedin city
- Ps. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY everyone :)
Day14 4.30pm DUNEDIN 00906km’s
- I've waiting about an hour for the rain to stop so I can leave.. Please stop :)
Day14 10.30pm BRIGHTON 00932km’s
- I had another puncture on the trailer before leaving Dunedin.. Fixed easily
- Getting out of Dunedin was harder than expected.. Not helped by the bad directions I was given..
- I ended up hiking for three hours over two hills and found myself in a place called BRIGHTON.. which is really nice..
- The nice folk at the motor camp let me stay the night and gave me good directions to get to where I need to go..
Day15 10.30am BRIGHTON 00932km’s
- Today I head to BALCLUTHA and the hills really begin as I near THE CATLINS..
Day15 3.30pm WAIHOLA 00961km’s
- Finally back on the right road after that massive detour.. What’s next?
Day15 6.30pm MILTON 00977km’s
- I'm having an hour break cos I’m really really tired after my detour..
Day15 10.30pm NOT FAR FROM BALCLUTHA 00991km’s
- I've had to put the tent up on the side of the road again cos it got dark
- To be not far from where I planned is surprising considering the challenges faced.. I've been very lucky overall :)
- BALCLUTHA will be where I will complete my first 1000km's.. But I’m sure there will be more challenges tomorrow. Nite :)
Day16 10.30am BALCLUTHA 01001km’s
- Woo hoo! I've ridden 1000km on my bike and almost made it to BLUFF..
- Today I head into THE CATLINS and some great scenery.. I might even see my friend who built the worlds fastest indian :)
Day16 5.30pm OWAKA 01034km’s
- had my first MAJOR BREAKDOWN today.. The trailer wheel broke but hitchhiked to get it fixed
- It has delayed me for the day but I’m not sure its a huge delay.. We'll see how I go cos I’m back out on the road now..
- NO PHONE RECEPTION HERE.. will send messages as soon as it returns.. Till then its just me.. My bike.. And the road :)
- Before I forget.. The guy at the gas station in OWAKA built the motorcycle in the movie THE WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN
Day16 9pm PAPATOWAI 01051km’s
- Again I am almost where I want to be after another VERY LONG DAY..
- I'm hoping tomorrow might be an easier day cos the last few have been mammoth efforts to get close to where I want to be
- I don’t mind the long days.. But it would be nice to have a bit of a break during the day to just relax.. Maybe tomorrow?
Day17 8am PAPATOWAI 01051km’s
- Today’s plan is to get past FORTROSE and then the next day BLUFF.. Well bring it on I say!
Day17 7pm FORTROSE 01134km’s
- Another long and hard day.. A few locals have inspired me today through their kindness..
- I've only ever passed through this place in a bus but it is an incredibly scenic place.. And I’m here a little bit early
Day18 10am FORTROSE 01134km’s
- Today is going to be a long and very cold day with very strong head wind and VERY HEAVY RAIN..
Day18 8pm BLUFF 01192km’s
- I’m very tired. ..I’m very wet and cold. I did not enjoy that at all.. But I’m here :)
- I have phone reception again.. But there is bad reception stage two of my journey up the west coast of south island..
- I have been asked about my energy levels and yes it is hard to maintain it.. Lots of sweets and having my breakfast help
- I still have a little bit of money left so I treat myself after the hardest bits.. But I do not look like I enjoy it..
- I push myself really hard every day.. Some days its determination.. Other days its cos I'm stubborn and don’t want to quit
- And there is even on occasion anger cos heaps of people drive past laughing at me.. Or try to run me off the road..
Day19 9am BLUFF 01192km’s
- Stage 2 begins.. West Coast here I come.. Next stop RIVERTON
Day19 3pm INVERCARGILL 01232km’s
- I've just left SPEEDY SIGNS who have sorted out a t shirt for me :)
- And on the way out of town I found THE WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN and had my photo taken with her for you all to see..
- And now I continue my journey towards RIVERTON.. which is being made harder by the weather.. So I'll just do what I can
Day19 10pm WAIMATUKU 01254km’s
- MAJOR BREAKDOWN - The rear axle of my bike has broken.. I'm unsure how to fix this..
- I'm lucky enough that I've found myself almost outside a service station but I’m not sure if it is a fixable problem..
- It might be better if I ride back to Invercargill if they have the part I need.. It is going to be a very interesting day
Day20 8am WAIMATUKU 01254km’s
- Just waiting to find out if problem is fixable or there is a spare part available in Invercargill..
- At least it looks like it will be a nice day weather wise :)
Day20 12pm WAIMATUKU 01254km’s
- Borrowed a car to pick up parts.. Some time spent welding and $100 later.. BACK ON THE ROAD AGAIN
- I was worried but I’ll just do what I have been doing and see how far I get today.. I'm not too far behind schedule :)
Day20 3pm RIVERTON 01269km’s
- Finally I’m past yesterdays planned stop.. Not so bad all things considering :)
Day20 5pm COLAC BAY 01281km’s
- There is a surfer statue I’ve always wanted to photograph here.. And now I have :)
Day20 10pm McCRACKENS REST 01309km’s
- I've made up the lost time and am almost where I wanted to be at the end of today.
- I could maybe have got a little further but I've somehow acquired a dog.. A fully grown.. live.. friendly.. Actual dog..
- He started to follow me a couple of hours ago.. I tried to take it back.. but it kept following.. I think it likes me :)
- WE are in the tent.. Sheltering from the wind.. He is friendly.. Big.. Smells funky.. And wont listen to a word I say..
- Its normal for animals to do this? The sheep and cows run the other way as soon as they see me. I didn't plan for a pet.
Day21 11am McCRACKENS REST 01309km’s
- Another cyclist just rode past and my roommate decided he'd follow them instead..
- Today I go towards BLACKMOUNT mountains via TUATAPERE - the sausage capital of NZ.. And I see my old friend MURRAY
- Its hot and there is a strong head wind. I guess its better than it being cold.. Time to get out the sun screen again :)
Day21 1.30pm TUATAPERE 01324km’s
- I like my friend MURRAY cos he is genuine.. It was good to see him again and catch up.
Day21 8pm BLACKMOUNT 01366km’s
- Strong head wind's make this ALOT harder than it needs to be.. Which is very frustrating.
- I've not had an easy day yet.. The closest would be ASHBURTON but had to make up km's from the day before
- I think I’m doing okay for a lazy bugger who has dragged a trailer around NZ on a push bike for 21 day without a break..
Day22 8am BLACKMOUNT 01366km’s
- Today I have a 4km mountain to climb so will be another long day :)
Day22 11am MIDDLE OF NO WHERE 01383km’s
- I feel like eating a whole family box of KFC.. or 3 of those new fancy MCDONALDS chicken burgers.
Day22 5pm TE ANAU 01426km’s
- I've worn out my shoes and my bum is still sore.. But another day ticked of and completed :)
Day23 8am TE ANAU 01426km’s
- FINALLY a tail wind with light rain.. The weather is almost on side today.. Woo hooooo :)
- I stopped in and saw my friend RAY last night and enjoyed a home cooked meal and a real bed.. I like real beds and food.
- I am going to try and make good progress today.. The WEST COAST could be very hard depending on the weather..
Day23 2pm MOSSBURN 01486km’s
- So much easier today and I’m going to get a lot further than planned.. :)
Day23 4pm FIVE RIVERS 01509km’s
- I've found my head wind again :( ..having a tail wind made things so much easier today..
- I have already past where I was going to stop tonight 20km ago.. Kingston is tomorrow night and Queenstown after that..
- Apart from the wind its nice weather here so I think it'd be nice to get to Queenstown early and have an afternoon off..
Day24 11am FIVE RIVERS 01512km’s
- After finding a camp site with a toilet and nice view I had an early night and slept it
- Today’s mission is to get close to Queenstown so I can get in and out tomorrow.. Money is tight so got to keep moving..
- It would be nice to get sponsorship or financial support but I’m going to keep going regardless of what happens.. :)
- Ps. There is still a head wind
Day24 5pm KINGSTON 01555km’s
- This wind is bloody horrible.. It takes so long to get anywhere.. I was spoilt yesterday..
- The wind has increased to a very strong head wind and it has just started to rain.. I'm not enjoying today so much..
- If it stops raining I'll try to get another 20km which is half way between here and Queenstown.. Lets see what happens..
Day24 7.30pm STAIRCASE CREEK 01566km’s
- Ok that’s enough of that for another day.. Check out the view from where I am..
Day25 9.30am STAIRCASE CREEK 01566km’s
- I've been awake for ages but cant go anywhere till the rain eases and I can pack
- Today’s mission is to get in, and then out of Queenstown
Day25 8pm LAKE HAYES 01622km’s
- I've completed today’s mission and am now well on my way north of Queenstown..
- I've left my wallet behind but it should be delivered to CROMWELL before I get there.. Then I go to WANAKA for the night
- WANAKA is about 100km from here so I hope everything goes according to plan so I have a good day.. BYE BYE QUEENSTOWN
Day26 8am LAKE HAYES 01622km’s
- The early bird gets the worm.. Or in my case where he needs to be.. Midday = CROMWELL
Day26 11am QUEENSTOWN 01627km’s
- Well so much for that idea.. had another MAJOR BREAKDOWN just after I left..
- I'm unsure that the bike will now make it much further because it has a few weak parts that I can not afford to fix..
- But I will try to look after it and we'll just have to see what happens.. It kind of sux not knowing the bike will make it
- I had only really just fully decided that it was possible that I would be able to do this.. Lets see what happens tho :)
- And some bugger has taken my NZ flag.. I'll see if I can source another.. Now its time I got out of Queenstown (part 2)
Day26 9pm WANAKA 01696km’s
- I have had the weirdest of days.. I took the shortcut over the steepest main road in NZ..
- I stopped in at ALPINE ENGINEERING and Robby helped out heaps to get me feeling a bit better about the next week or so..
- I wont have much phone reception over the next week as I travel through what is the most remote part of accessible NZ..
- My few tests so far have just been preparation for the next part of my adventure.. The WEST COAST of the south island..
Day27 1pm WANAKA 01696km’s
- Another MAJOR BREAKDOWN.. The frame that joins the trailer to the bike had a big crack in it
- I say had cos I've spent the morning getting it fixed.. Watching 500 horses wander through town and finding a new flag..
- Here's hoping in a few days time I can send a message saying I’ve made it half way up the WEST COAST to FOX GLACIER :)
Day27 8pm THE NECK (between lake hawea and lake wanaka) 01742km’s
- STRONG HEAD WIND means I’m 15km away from MAKARORA..
Day28 10am THE NECK (between lake hawea and lake wanaka) 01792km’s
- STRONG HEAD WINDS (again).. All I can do is try right?
Day28 9pm ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD ABOUT 20 - 30 km SOUTH OF HAAST 01811km’s
- I did good today considering the weather :)
Day29 7am ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD ABOUT 20 - 30 km SOUTH OF HAAST 01811km’s
Day29 12pm ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD ABOUT 20 - 30 km SOUTH OF HAAST 01811km’s
Day29 5pm ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD ABOUT 20 - 30 km SOUTH OF HAAST 01811km’s
Day29 7pm ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD ABOUT 20 - 30 km SOUTH OF HAAST 01811km’s
- GOOD NEWS = An easy day BAD NEWS = I now have a day to make up and on the WEST COAST that is not going to be easy
Day29 10pm HAAST 01841km’s
- It stopped raining just after 7pm so I made a run for it.. I figured a little is better than none
Day30 1am HAAST 01841km’s
- I've got some catching up to do so lets see if the weather at night is more helpful..
Day30 4am KNIGHTS POINT 01871km’s
- That’s 30km less I have to do in the morning when I wake up.. I'm exhausted.
Day30 8am KNIGHTS POINT 01871km’s
- A couple of hours sleep and here I go again.. I think its going to rain BIG TIME soon..
Day30 7pm FOX GLACIER 01961km’s
- It has absolutely chucked it down (HEAVY RAIN) almost all day.. BUT again I caught up :)
- Its meant to rain again tonight.. But hopefully will be a better day tomorrow..
- Lake Matheson is probably the one photo I've always wanted but never got.. At least I got to bike around the lake :)
- Today’s mission is to get in AND then out of FRANZ JOSEF..My biggest day yet involves 2 mountains.. One called HERCULES?
Day31 9am FOX GLACIER 01961km’s
- I slept on a bench at lake matherson hoping to wake up to a nice sunrise.. Its raining.
Day31 2pm FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER 02000km’s
- My 2nd thousand.. Only 4 to go.. I'm about to leave and want to tell u my idea..
- As u know I’m not raising money doing this. Crazy aye! So I was thinking I could auction some framed photos on trade me?
- If I chose the best 20 and make A3 size art prints that are one off prints they'd be worth good money if it was promoted
- I was thinking I might do it for one charity cos they have supported me from the start of this.. I need that support too
- Wont tell you which charity yet.. But if you guessed I think most would guess right :) where is that HERCULES?
Day31 5pm WHATAROA 02031km’s
- Doesn't seem like I’m making much progress today.. But I AM making progress
Day31 9pm HARI HARI 02059km’s
- I cycled over my first ever mountain today.. Hercules was conquered. A huge step for me..
- I saw some friends today.. I hope they know that I missed them heaps and that I enjoyed seeing them again today..
- The weather is meant to be good next few days.. I'll just take one day at a time and try to make the most of each day :)
Day32 10am HARI HARI 02059km’s
- The weather man got it right.. Sunshine and what appears to be a slight tail wind.. :)
Day32 8pm HOKATIKA 02136km’s
- Could have done more but 2 people here I want to see had finished work already so I stayed
Day33 8am HOKATIKA 02136km’s
- I'm going to visit a few friends and try emailing radio stations again before I leave here
Day33 10am HOKATIKA 02136km’s
- Just done my first ever newspaper interview for the local paper. She even took my photo :)
- Today I’m going to try to get near BARRYTOWN.. but first I got to get through GREYMOUTH.. Which is bout half way..
- Thank you to everyone I met in HOKITIKA for all your support.. I hope you have a good wine and food festival next weekend
Day33 3pm GREYMOUTH 02180km’s
- Just put an old lady into an ambulance after she collapsed.. I didn't think she'd make it
- I was only still there cos the weather turned bad and now that's happened it turned good again.. I'd better get going..
- No phone reception for a few days whilst I do part two of rugged west coast.. I'll send messages when I get reception :)
Day33 8pm BARRYTOWN 02209km’s
- Another successful day that has ended with me in the company of some very good friends..
Day34 12pm BARRYTOWN 02209km’s
- I have enjoyed seeing more friends and am a little disappointed that I have to leave..
Day34 9pm CHARLESTON 02261km’s
- There are quiet a few hills between here and barrytown and I rode up them all non stop :)
- I discovered the coolest place to stay.. Its a pizzeria and camp seemingly in the middle of no where but near CHARLESTON
Day35 10am CHARLESTON 02261km’s
- Today I start towards MOTUEKA.. That ends the famous west coast of the south island :)
Day35 3pm WESTPORT 02281km’s
- Well that’s the end of the west coast of the south island for this trip.. Not so bad really.
- I've still got a week in the south so still a long way to go yet.. NO PHONE RECEPTION FOR SOME OF THE NEXT PART
Day35 7pm INANGAHUA 02333km’s
- The weather has been good to me the last few days.. Here is hoping it stays that way :)
Day36 9am INANGAHUA 02333km’s
- Today my journey is mostly uphill.. At least I've been practicing for it :)
Day36 2pm MURCHISON 02377km’s
- Its been another warm and testing day on the bike.. I'm trying to pace myself and enjoy it.
Day36 2pm MURCHISON 02377km’s
- Its been another warm and testing day on the bike.. I'm trying to pace myself and enjoy it.
Day36 8pm KAWATIRI 02410km’s
- I'm getting more tired and sooner each day.. The big hills really take heaps out of me..
- I'm still going tho.. I haven't given up and even tho I am doing a hell of a lot of winging it I am almost half way.. :)
Day37 10am KAWATIRI 02410km’s
- Some days it would be nice to stay in my sleeping bag all day.. But today’s not that day :)
Day37 7pm WOODSTOCK 02477km’s
- Today was hot.. But all my hard work has me slightly ahead of schedule which is inspiring :)
- And EVERYONE who has in their own way helped me complete the first half of my adventure I sincerely THANK each of YOU
Day38 9am WOODSTOCK 02477km’s
- Looks like a warm day so the plan is to go to MARAHAU before the ending the day in MOTUEKA
Day38 8pm MOTUEKA 02556km’s
- The good news is I went to MARAHAU and back.. The bad news is I still haven't seen everyone
- And its meant to rain BIG TIME tomorrow :( ..but I am going to stay to try see my friend Trevor again before I leave..
Day39 10am MOTUEKA 02556km’s
- its another nice morning and I only have 3 more stops in the south island.. Today NELSON :)
Day39 4pm NELSON 02615km’s
- I was going to keep going but its possible I might get on the local radio station tomorrow :)
- Regardless of what happens there is 3 BIG hill climbs before HAVLOCK but tomorrow's my last hard day in the south island
- Did I mention it is RAINING HEAVILY at the moment and I would not be surprised if it continues for the next few days :)
Day40 9am NELSON 02615km’s
- The radio station didn't call so its time to leave.. I've got a HUGE DAY ahead of me..
Day40 8pm OKARAMIO 02699km’s
- I've past HAVLOCK but just added 30km to my journey by missing a short cut to PICTON..
- Only 50km to go.. Its almost surreal that I have actually cycled around the entire south island.. Or soon will have :)
- There is a recently released New Zealand movie called 'this way of life' that I’d like to see.. Just seen the porter :)
Day41 8am OKARAMIO 02699km’s
- My last day in the south island and the half way mark of my adventure = MAJOR MILESTONE :)
Day41 12.30pm PICTON 02753km’s
- GRINZ ..I did it. I actually rode a push bike around the coast of the south island.. :)
- Tomorrow is going to be a much needed maintainence day for my bike so that means the NORTH ISLAND starts on Monday
- I probably shouldn't be surprised how much is broken but it is kind of amazing it didn't fall apart
- There are a lot of things that NEED replacing or fixing – will be a busy day even though I’m not riding today
- Things did not go to plan at all yesterday and there are now two days I have to catch up..
- Its also my adopted fathers birthday tomorrow and I want to wish him happy birthday whilst I am here
Day44 8am WELLINGTON (02753 +) 00000km’s
- The clock has been reset for the north island and my first step is to catch a train..
- I feel guilty not riding out of the city but the guide book and everyone I've talked to says the train is the way to go.
- I'll catch it to PARAPARAUMU then ride to LEVIN today hopefully.. The roads in north island much busier. Weather = WINDY
Day44 7pm LEVIN (02753 +) 00079km’s
- I was kicked off the train at Paekakariki due to works on the tracks..
- I'm going to go to the local cycle shop in the morning to see if they can do anything about my 'seating arrangements' :)
- Oh.. I made a few changes to the contents of the trailer.. I brought the air mattress so I will sleep much better..
- Its great that I have been able to raise awareness but also show there are a lot of really nice people in New Zealand :)
Day45 9am LEVIN (02753 +) 00079km’s
- The guys at the AVANTI shop in Levin really looked after me this morning and MORE FM recorded a radio interview
- The air mattress is fantastic and 1000x more comfortable.. I feel good and am looking forward to the rest of North Island
Day45 8pm WANGANUI (02753 +) 00175km’s
- The wind helped me cover a good distance and the worst part was a VERY LONG foxton straight
- I’ve taken up reading to distract me from the bike and have just started The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
- I’m guessing today is ST PATRICKS DAY because the lady in BULLS had green hair and offered me green lollies
- Tonight I am on the side of the road but I don’t mind now that I have my mattress to sleep on
- PS. It’s VERY cold tonight
Day46 11am WANGANUI (02753 +) 00175km’s
- Today I’m aiming really BIG and going to see if I can get near OPUNAKE.. 100+ km
- The original plan for today was to get to WAVERLEY but I thought I could get a lot further so I changed it to OPUNAKE..
- But the WIND and HILLS have meant I eventually only made it past not far past WAVERLEY and along way from OPUNAKE..
- Nick and Sue Williams have welcomed me into their home and tomorrow I get to go talk to the kids at the local school :)
- The weather is not meant to improve so I’ll just have to slog it out. Did I mention the trailer frame has cracked today?
Day46 7pm PATEA (02753 +) 00236km’s
- That was very hard work.. Some days I really enjoy but today was simply hard work..
Day47 8am PATEA (02753 +) 00236km’s
- I'm off to see the 13 kids that make up HURLEYVILLE SCHOOL before I leave :)
Day47 11am PATEA (02753 +) 00252km’s
- That is the most enjoyable part of my adventure so far cos its all about the kids :)
- Its time I made my way towards NEW PLYMOUTH.. The wind is a strong head wind again so I’ll just have to grind it out..
Day47 4pm HAWEA (02753 +) 00275km’s
- Still a long way to go today.. 40+ km so I’d better keep at it..
Day47 8pm OEO (approx 10km south of OPUNAKE) (02753 +) 00307km’s
- The trailer has a flat tire and its now too dark to fix
- I'll fix it when I wake up.. Another hard day because of the head wind and late start.. But I enjoyed seeing the kids :)
Day48 9am OEO (approx 10km south of OPUNAKE) (02753 +) 00307km’s
- Flat tire fixed and its time to play in the wind again0
Day48 10.30am OPUNAKE (02753 +) 00319km’s
- Me and wind will be friends again soon.. But at the moment this is rediculas..
- And SOUTH TARANAKI has been incredibly supportive of what I’m doing and I want thank them very much for that support :)
Day48 7pm NEW PLYMOUTH (02753 +) 00384km’s
- I really enjoy arriving somewhere after a struggle to get there.. Like today :)
Day49 11.30am URENUI (02753 +) 00422km’s
- I'm continuously inspired by the support I get.. The past 48hr's have been great
Day49 4pm MT MESSENGER (02753 +) 00448km’s
- This mountain and I do not like each other.. TWO PUNTURES on the way up.. :(
Day49 8pm MOKAU (02753 +) 00479km’s
- I was a bit lucky with the weather but it was HARD WORK that got me here today :)
- Today was a very up and down 90km.. Tomorrow and the next day will be simular but I need to do over 100km each day.. :)
Day50 10am MOKAU (02753 +) 00479km’s
- My day has not started off as planned cos I slept in.. Now I’m running a lil late..
Day50 4pm PIOPIO (02753 +) 00535km’s
- Another puncture and a few hills means I’m ages away from where I want to be today
Day50 9pm OTOROHANGA (02753 +) 00578km’s
- I was a lil bit naughty and did some riding on state highway 3 well after dark
- I'm happy with how far I got today and I still think I’m on track to make up my lost days before I get to Auckland..
- I have noticed that I am feeling a lot more tired recently and as I can’t afford steak I'll try to eat more fish and pasta
Day51 8am OTOROHANGA (02753 +) 00578km’s
- I did 99km yesterday.. A great effort.. Today I need to get past HAMILTON
- Wow.. day 50 of my adventure.. That means 41 left to go.. As long as I look after and pace myself I'll be just fine.. :)
Day51 5pm HAMILTON (02753 +) 00660km’s
- I've taken it rather easy today.. I still feel tired so I’m having a quietist day
- I replaced the chain on bike and left wallet and phone in shop.. Didn't realise so panicked a lil.. But all ok now :)
- I've put in a massive effort to be back on track and be able to do the route that is on the website after tomorrow.. :)
Day52 9am HAMILTON (02753 +) 00660km’s
- I feel much better today and am looking forward to getting to PUKEKOHE tonight :)
Day52 7pm PUKEKOHE (02753 +) 00746km’s
- Woo hoo I made it to Auckland and tomorrow is a media day so not much riding :)
Day53 10am AUCKLAND MEDIA DAY (02753 +) 00746km’s
- Today I’m going to try to raise awareness by going to Auckland's media
Day53 12pm AUCKLAND MEDIA DAY (02753 +) 00758km’s
- Seems like I’m not going to make many waves in Auckland but I tried :)
Day53 6pm AUCKLAND MEDIA DAY (02753 +) 00788km’s
- I went as many places as I could but most said 'someone would call'..
- No one called.. But I wont let that stop me doing my part to make the world a better place.. I'll just on keep going :)
Day54 9am AUCKLAND (02753 +) 00788km’s
- I'm going to see the nice people at TV3 before I leave Auckland for Helensville..
Day54 11am AUCKLAND (02753 +) 00795km’s
- WHITCOLS bookstore on queen st found a smile cos the manager gave me a map book.
- Time I got out of Auckland city and did some bike riding again.. But first a train to Waitakere where I'll ride from :)
Day54 8pm HELENSVILLE (02753 +) 00833km’s
- I enjoyed the last few days visiting family but the media didn't go so well..
- Its nice to be back on the road stopping at the smaller places where people take time out of their day to talk to you..
- I hope you guys and girls all take a moment out of your day to look at some of the smaller charities we have in NZ.. :)
Day55 9.30am HELENSVILLE (02753 +) 00833km’s
- BIG THANK YOU to all my new friends at HELENSVILLE SUZUKI who helped get a wheel replaced when there were no parts :)
Day55 7pm WELLSFORD (02753 +) 00870km’s
- Gee its nice to be doing normal days again.. Its so much more enjoyable :)
- Tonight's accommodation is at the back of a Wellsford pub after I tried to find somewhere to watch f1 qualifying on TV..
Day56 10am WELLSFORD (02753 +) 00870km’s
- I've slept in which usually tells me I am tired but I've woken up feeling good
- Today is a bit longer than yesterday so I'll just take it easy knowing I'll eventually get there.. Its a nice day too :)
Day56 2pm BRYNDERWYN (02753 +) 00899km’s
- One puncture and breakdown later I’m halfway for the day.. Best keep going :)
Day56 4pm MAUNGATUROTO (02753 +) 00907km’s
- Two punctures and one breakdown later I’m a lil over halfway for the day..
Day56 7pm PAPAROA (02753 +) 00920km’s
- Three punctures and one breakdown later and I’m staying here the night to watch f1
- I didn't get far today but I'll catch up.. I enjoyed the day and met heaps of great people.. That is the best part :)
Day57 8am PAPAROA (02753 +) 00920km’s
- I'm starting early today to catch up after yesterdays punctures etc..
- I have used all my spare tire tubes and have one patch left so MUST get more today.. I also need socks.. And a shower :)
Day57 3pm DARGAVILLE (02753 +) 00972km’s
- Still got a few km's to go but I've already been to all the local media today :)
Day57 7pm KAIHU (02753 +) 01011km’s
- My first 1000km's in the north island comes as I make it past tonight's planned stop
- I am looking forward to tomorrow and seeing some of the most naturally beautiful scenery anywhere in the world :)
Day58 10am KAIHU (02753 +) 01011km’s
- Today is one day I've been looking forward to since before I began.. Lets do it :)
Day58 1pm WAIPOUA FOREST (02753 +) 01030km’s
- This place is amazing.. Natural New Zealand and quite simply = BEAUTIFUL.
- Near the top of the forest I met the man who has played BIG BIRD for the last 41 years on SESCEME STREET.. :)
Day58 7pm PAKANAE (02753 +) 01072km’s
- After arriving via their insanely steep hill I decided to go past OMAPERE/OPONONI
- There is a lot of history here.. This is where the first settlement in New Zealand was.. Northland is an amazing place :)
Day59 8am PAKANAE (02753 +) 01072km’s
- I think today might be a lil bit up and down.. I'm hoping for more down than up :)
Day59 2pm BROADWOOD (02753 +) 01122km’s
- I briefly visited the school here and talked to the kids who filled my water :)
Day59 7pm AHIPARA (02753 +) 01160km’s
- Changed plan slightly to be able to spend a night at the start of 90 mile beach :)
- I've got a few broken bits on my bike that a couple of times today had me wondering if I would make it.. I'm glad I did.
- Hopefully I'll have everything fixed before I leave KAITAIA in the morning and head towards the very top of New Zealand
- I'll TRY for an early start in the morning.. It takes about 2 hours from the time I wake up until I can actually leave..
Day60 8am AHIPARA (02753 +) 01160km’s
- The one thing that keeps amazing me is how unique each place I go to really is..
- I thought about cycling from here up the beach but have decided I've got enough problems so next stop is KAITAIA
Day60 9.30am KAITAIA (02753 +) 01177km’s
- I need to get bike fixed but the only bike mechanic won't be back till 2pm..
Day60 2pm KAITAIA (02753 +) 01177km’s
- Waiting.. Waiting.. Waiting..
Day60 3.30pm KAITAIA (02753 +) 01177km’s
- Ok.. I'm finally on my way north.. At least I'll make some progress today :)
Day60 7pm PUKENUI (02753 +) 01219km’s
- I wanted to get further but there is no way I’m riding that road after the sun sets
- Tomorrow I tick off TWO major achievements.. The end of stage three.. And I've ridden from one end of NZ to the other :)
- Of course any real challenge should progressively get harder.. so the last stage is of course the longest AND hardest :)
Day61 10am PUKENUI (02753 +) 01219km’s
- Today I go to the very top of the north island.. HI HO HI HO CAPE REINGA HERE I GO
Day61 7pm CAPE REINGA (02753 +) 01290km’s
- I made it to the top of NZ.. That means I've ridden the entire west coast :)
- I left late.. It was harder than I thought it would be.. I had a puncture.. And was almost run over.. But I made it :)
- I haven't bothered putting up my tent so I can sleep under the million stars that are twinkling above me at the moment..
- I'd be guessing that not many people have actually slept next to the light house at Cape Regina.. grins mischievously ;)
Day62 9am CAPE REINGA (02753 +) 01290km’s
- It's time to start the last stage.. The east coast of the north island :)
Day62 10.30am WAITAKI LANDING (02753 +) 01312km’s
- Everyday cool people inspire me to continue.. Today is no exception :)
- One of the hard parts of this journey has been the simple fact that I am doing it on my own.. And I only share moments..
- One of the highlights has been this journey is made up of so many different moments shared with so many different people
Day62 6pm PUKENUI (02753 +) 01365km’s
- Sheltering from rain I've just been invited to stay the night with a local family :)
- It will be nice to sleep in a bed after sleeping under the stars last night.. Sometimes I wonder why I am so lucky :)
Day63 9am PUKENUI (02753 +) 01365km’s
- I've done good today as daylight savings finished last night and I lost an hour :)
- I did even better than I thought cos I was told at lunchtime the clocks were meant to go back and not forward like I did
- ..I had wondered why no one was at church on Sunday and just assumed it was closed on Easter Sunday like everything else
Day63 7pm KAHOE (02753 +) 01453km’s
- This is 2 days in a row now I've been invited to stay somewhere other than my tent :)
- Lyndsey and Stefano from KAHOE FARMS allowed me the night at their awesome place and meet some awesome people..
- I met a very attractive red headed Scottish lady who is a photographer who seemingly liked motorsport as much as I do..
- A French guy and his Japanese girlfriend.. Who I helped plan a day trip for today who respectively made me smile heaps
- And am again inspired to continue my journey knowing that there are still incredible people both from and visiting NZ :)
Day64 8am KAHOE (02753 +) 01453km’s
- Today I’m fairly sure I've got the time right and alas now must leave my new friends..
Day64 8pm RUSSELL (02753 +) 01533km’s
- That turned out to be harder than I expected.. I'm exhausted and should sleep well
- Russell is the last place I go to that I've never been to before.. It is another of NZ uniquely beautiful coastal towns.
- I'll explore quickly before I set out on the hardest day of my journey so far.. Over 90km of coastal roads to Whangarei
- Thank you to my young friend Jake and his family for helping put up my tent.. And the top10 holiday park for having me..
- And to all those who have offered me genuine support and encouragement that helps me through each day.. THANK YOU :)
Day65 8am RUSSELL (02753 +) 01533km’s
- As always its the nice places that are the hardest to leave.. This is one of them.
- Speaking of VERY NICE.. I wonder what my red headed Scottish friend is up to today.. ;)
Day65 5pm WHANGAREI (02753 +) 01632km’s
- I did good today considering all the hills and rain.. My early start helped :)
- I didn't really stop except to fill my water bottles and eat about 11am for a few mins.. It was hard but not too hard :)
- Tomorrow's stop is a lot closer than today’s so I might try and do some more media stuff in the morning before I leave :)
Day66 8am WHANGAREI (02753 +) 01632km’s
- It might be wet weather again today so there could be more singing it the rain :)
Day66 6pm MANGAWHAI (02753 +) 01703km’s
- No rain ..but a change of plans.. I've gone the costal way cos I love the scenery.
Day67 8am MANGAWHAI (02753 +) 01703km’s
- What a beautiful morning.. I think today I might go for a nice ride on my bike :)
Day67 4pm OREWA (02753 +) 01781km’s
- Firstly I’d just like to say the road from Wellsford to Auckland was VERY dangerous..
- Secondly I’d like to again thank everyone who offers me their support on this journey.. You all inspire me to continue..
Day68 8am OREWA (02753 +) 01781km’s
- Just spoken live on air with RODNEY RADIO for ten minutes. Its nice to start the day with good publicity :)
- Today I feel proud and very privileged that I am fortunate enough to have been able to make such an incredible journey..
- Last night I was invited to join an Auckland family to eat at the camp ground.. This morning I was live on the radio..
- Today people have been coming up to me asking me about my journey.. Telling me how proud I should be of my effort..
- It has been hard work but the rewards are worth it cos ultimately its not about me.. Its about NZ kids and our future..
Day68 3pm DEVONPORT (02753 +) 01826km’s
- Only a short day but a good one.. I HAVE REALISED THAT I AM MAKING A DIFFERENCE :)
- Tonight’s accommodation is in a boat shed that looks out over Auckland.. The view is sensational..
Day69 7am DEVONPORT (02753 +) 01826km’s
- I'm about to catch the ferry across to Auckland city and cycle around the east coast bays
Day69 10am MISSION BAY (02753 +) 01842km’s
- I have given info to tvnz and the herald again and I’m now leaving the city..
Day69 3pm RAHUI (02753 +) 01883km’s
- I'm tired and sore but still have about 40km left today so just having a short break
- As the sun begins to set I've got bout an hour to get to Tapapakanga.. This will be close
Day69 7pm TAPAPAKANGA (02753 +) 01924km’s
- A lil night riding and here I am.. Trouble is its so dark I cant see anything :)
Day70 10am TAPAPAKANGA (02753 +) 01924km’s
- I slept in which usually means I’m really tired.. But another day has begun..
- Oh.. And now the sun is up I can see what a beautiful place this is.. Its a shame my camera and phone battery is flat..
Day70 6pm THAMES (02753 +) 01991km’s
- I have decided that I no longer like the long straight flat roads.. They are boring.
- The next few days should be interesting as I head around the COROMANDEL PENINSULA.. lots of big hills and new scenery :)
Day71 9am THAMES (02753 +) 01991km’s
- I'm not sure why I’m looking forward to today cos theory is it wont be an easy day
Day71 6pm COROMANDEL (02753 +) 02055km’s
- Today wasn't too bad. I've learnt it will be tomorrow that is extremely difficult
- You can see the roof's of the cars as they drive down the mountain that leads out of town which is not a good sign.. :(
- I was given some fish today on the way which the local shop kindly cooked for me.. mmmm.. Went well with baked beans :)
- I'm on the side of the road again tonight but its pretty quite here so hopefully get heaps of sleep and an early start..
Day72 8.30am COROMANDEL (02753 +) 02055km’s
- A 4km vertical accent is not my idea of the perfect way to start a day..
- Today I’ve had a lot of Hills.. Mountains.. And every other version of UP possible. I've done good where ever I end up :)
Day72 4pm HAHEI (02753 +) 02116km’s
- Time to visit a few friends that live and work in Hahei.. Another beautiful place :)
Day72 6pm WHENUAKITE (02753 +) 02134km’s
- Only 12km from where I planned is not bad.. Staying with friends is VERY GOOD :)
Day73 8am WHENUAKITE (02753 +) 02134km’s
- Another BIG day today and so all I can do is my best and see how far I get.. :)
- Note - I broke my iPod 2 weeks ago and miss listening to my music. I've had my iPod and ph over 2 yrs. Next step iPhone?
- I said to someone yesterday I haven't had a major breakdown for ages.. And you guessed it.. MAJOR BREAKDOWN
- The back tire has gone a funny shape and when the wheel rotates over it the bike wobbles.. Time to find a new one :)
Day73 12.30pm HIKUAI (02753 +) 02163km’s
- LUNCHTIME (tuna and rice crackers) before another BIG hill into strong head wind
- PS. the tire was replaced fairly quickly and only cost $25.. But I can no longer afford many more little dramas :)
Day73 4pm WHANGAMATA (02753 +) 02187km’s
- My bum is so sore I've had to stop and see a chemist.. Only 18 more days to go :)
Day73 7pm WAIHI SADDLE (02753 +) 02208km’s
- I'm less than 10km from WAIHI and its all down hill in the morning to town :)
- The road I travel on from WAIHI to MT MAUNGANUI is nick named 'suicide highway'.. I think I should be VERY careful :)
Day74 11am WAIHI (02753 +) 02220km’s
- Almost 60km to TAURANGA and then more to Mt Maunganui.. Will be another big day :)
Day74 5pm BETHLEHEM (02753 +) 02276km’s
- I thought Jesus was born in Europe somewhere.. Not Tauranga?
Day74 6pm MOUNT MAUNGANUI (02753 +) 02293km’s
- I made it.. Was hard work but I did it :) woo hoo :)
Day75 9am MOUNT MAUNGANUI (02753 +) 02293km’s
- After spending a night at my cousins place another beautiful day begins :)
- One thing I've enjoyed a lot has been the ability to share my journey with so many people in so many places :)
Day75 12pm TE PUKE (02753 +) 02327km’s
- The wind is strong and not my friend at the moment.. Hopefully that will change..
Day75 8pm MATATA (02753 +) 02384km’s
- I had a few hiccups today that slowed me down which still need to be sorted out..
- I have to try and make each planned night stop which means leaving earlier as there are some BIG DAYS AHEAD of me..
Day76 8am MATATA (02753 +) 02384km’s
- I need to find a bike shop today that can sort out the few dramas I had yesterday..
- The next few days take me around the east cape of the north island with some incredible scenery.. And lots of BIG HILLS
Day76 6pm OPOTIKI (02753 +) 02457km’s
- I cant believe how early it is getting dark.. Its only 6pm and night time already..
Day77 7.30am OPOTIKI (02753 +) 02457km’s
- I think I need to leave even earlier.. Try to be on the road just after sunrise.. 6.30 -7am??
- I've got 7 big days ahead and I need to be on the road ASAP each day.. I need to make the most of the time I have..
- There will be a new shirt and some bike parts waiting in GISBORNE for me so that’s something for me to look forward to..
- I will loose phone reception for at least a day as I head around the east cape so if you don’t hear from me that’s why..
Day77 5pm TE KAHA (02753 +) 02525km’s
- I thought today would be much harder than it actually was.. I had a good day :)
- I'm told I have done the major hills until I get past HICKS BAY but when in a car all roads look much different :)
- Preparation and hopefully a light tail wind should mean I continue to enjoy the beautiful east coast of the north island
Day78 7am TE KAHA (02753 +) 02525km’s
- I thought someone would come tell me I shouldn't have my tent on the main beach ;)
Day78 5pm HICKS BAY (02753 +) 02604km’s
- Holy cow.. If that was flat I should be very worried about the next few days..
- A big thank you to Steve and Aunty for tonight’s dinner at the hicks bay shop.. It included a very nice piece of fish :)
- I am now financially broke and wont ask anyone for money so the last part of my journey is going to be a big test..
- I still have some of the toughest days of this adventure ahead of me and yet I am still enjoying each day as it comes..
- My bum is very sore and left knee aches.. The bike makes weird noises and trailer squeaks a lot.. But we wont give up :)
- Only 13 days to go :)
Day79 8am HICKS BAY (02753 +) 02604km’s
- Today I thought I might start the day off with a series of large hills..
Day79 3pm RUATORIA (02753 +) 02657km’s
- I've always wanted to come here and today I’m on the local radio station :)
Day79 6pm AORANGI (02753 +) 02672km’s
- I did a lot of work today and there is more to come.. But I’m still enjoying it :)
Day80 7am AORANGI (02753 +) 02672km’s
- Holy cow its cold this morning.. There is frost on everything.. Including me..
- Visiting RUATORIA yesterday has brought good luck.. The people there were awesome.. The fire is rekindled so to speak :)
- I've started to wonder what it will be like when this ends in 11 days time.. I've enjoyed so much I think I'll miss it..
- I would even do it all again if someone gave me one million dollars to give to my favourite charity.. Any offers? :)
Day80 5pm TOLAGA BAY (02753 +) 02739km’s
- The autumn colours today’s were incredible.. A nice distraction from the hills..
- Tomorrow is a big day.. I'll better the south island km total.. Meaning a grand total over 5500km.. Dam that sounds far.
Day81 7am TOLAGA BAY (02753 +) 02739km’s
- I got heaps to do today so an early start hopefully means it will all get done :)
- I did manage to take a few great photos of the wharf before I left which was cool..
Day81 6pm GISBORNE (2753km+) 2809km’s
- I've done all my jobs including a visit to the local newspaper and bike repairs..
Day82 9am GISBORNE (2753km+) 2809km’s
- I am a lil bit late today but have just been on the radio spreading the good word
- A few random things have happened on my adventure but never has a priest stopped to pray for me.. Until now :)
Day82 6pm MAHIA BEACH (2753km+) 2891km’s
- I have been to a lot of very nice places and this one is up near the top.. :)
- Getting here meant spending a good part of the day climbing the wharerata hill.. Possibly the steepest climb so far..
Day83 8am MAHIA BEACH (2753km+) 2891km’s
- Today should be easier than yesterday but I know there are more hills to come
- I was just thinking how lucky I've been with the weather.. Sure there have been bad days.. But most have been good :)
Day84 2pm WAIROA (2753km+) 2940km’s
- I'm here early and was planning on staying to go to tomorrow's dawn Anzac service..
Day83 2pm WAIROA (2753km+) 2940km’s
- I'm here early and was planning on staying to go to tomorrow's dawn Anzac service..
- The local Anzac service is in mahia.. A beautiful place but where I've just come from.. So I’m going to keep going..
- Goats live on the flat parts of NZ aye?
Day83 6pm WAIHUA (2753km+) 2964km’s
- Another night by the side of the road and another huge day over hills ahead tomorrow
Day84 9am WAIHUA (2753km+) 2964km’s
- ANZAC day and I have met many inspiring people on this adventure.. LEAST WE FORGET
- In Whangarei I saw the most amazing memorial.. 420 white crosses all together.. Each dedicated to a local veteran..
- In every town I've been to there is a memorial which honours the names of local people who died fighting for NZ..
- The other day a veteran said to me I was not only doing this for charities but for the future of NZ kids.. Very humbling.
Day84 4pm TUTIRA (2753km+) 3018km’s
- I wanted to get over the BIG hill just up the road but I’m not feeling very well..
- I'm where I planned so stopping early is not a drama.. I think I just need a good sleep and I'll be good as gold :)
- It is kind of cool tho when laying in my tent I overhear people wondering if I’m the guy on the bike cycling around NZ :)
- Remember kids sometimes you have to eat stuff you don’t enjoy simply cos its good for you.. Sardines and noodles anyone?
Day85 8am TUTIRA (2753km+) 3018km’s
- I have a VERY BIG HILL to start the day.. At least its the only big hill today :)
Day85 6pm HASTINGS (2753km+) 3084km’s
- There should be a nice photo of me in the HAWKES BAY TODAY newspaper tomorrow :)
- Tonight I’m staying with a guy and his wife in Hastings who saw me in Devonport a few weeks ago.. He's a chef :)
- Only 6 more days to go.. :(
Day86 7am HASTINGS (2753km+) 3084km’s
- I had an awesome meal last night.. Slept in a bed.. And start today with a smile :)
- I've passed my first sign that tells me how far it is to wellington.. 300km.. Grins.. Not the way I’m going its not ;)
- Someone just told me there is a very good chance of a small storm and rain later today.. Woo hoo.. A free shower :)
Day86 4pm WAIPUKURAU (2753km+) 3146km’s
- Another radio and newspaper interview and tired as I am today's been a good day :)
Day87 8am WAIPUKURAU (2753km+) 3146km’s
- Another night on the side of the road.. Only 5 more days and 4 more sleeps to go..
Day87 5pm WIMBLEDON (2753km+) 3202km’s
- Today was windy but ok.. Tomorrow will be a lot harder with some very big hills..
- I've also just realised that I'll do my 6000th km tomorrow.. With about 300 more to do before I finish in wellington..
- Tonight’s accommodation is in the park next to the WIMBLEDON PUB.. Which is a nice change from the side of the road :)
Day88 7am WIMBLEDON (2753km+) 3202km’s
- Well if today is Thursday then I only have 4 more days (and 3 more sleeps) to go..
- I wont get phone reception until near MASTERTON on Friday afternoon.. But I plan to send lots of txt the last 2 days..
- First tho I need to get over some big hills and get myself towards tonight’s stop which is a place called TIRAUMEA..
Day88 5pm TIRAUMEA (2753km+) 3273km’s
- This road is very quiet so I enjoyed not having heaps of people try and kill me..
- Tomorrow wont be as hard as today unless the weather turns against me.. But distance wise it will be a long day again..
- I'll will get phone reception again late tomorrow but meanwhile it's been kind of nice having time to reflect on my trip..
Day89 3am TIRAUMEA (2753km+) 3273km’s
- The wind has almost taken the cover off the tent and so its impossible to sleep..
- Today will now be very hard work.. possibly even dangerous.. and I only foresee more problems if it does not improve..
- Its almost too dangerous to ride.. The wind is the worst it has been the entire trip and I can only hope it doesn't rain
- I must be near wellington :)
- Only three more days (including today) and two more nights to go until I finish.. :)
- The wind hasn't been too bad today.. The rain has been a lil annoying.. But it could be a lot worse than it has been.. :)
Day89 5pm MASTERTON (2753km+) 3344km’s
- I'm next to state highway 2 tonight.. But after last night I could sleep anywhere.
- I stopped in at the local newspaper and the nice lady there said she would make sure I got a mention some where.. :)
- The weather forecast is not good the next few days so I’m just going to have to make do with what the man upstairs gives
Day90 8am MASTERTON (2753km+) 3344km’s
- Only two more days and its all over.. Still a lil way to go so best I get going..
Day90 2pm FEATHERSTON (2753km+) 3377km’s
- I'm not feeling well again so have taken the most direct route for a change..
- Ironically tonight’s accommodation has me in a cemetery.. although technically I think its called a memorial picnic area
- The graves are cool but they also remind me of the sacrifices made.. The stories of our past so we can choose our future
- People have gone to war and died to make New Zealand a better place.. Its cool my journey ends remembering our past..
- In world war one soldiers had to walk from here over rimatuka hills before they left NZ as the final part of training..
- I now feel kind of proud to know I'll be making that same journey on my last day of riding around all of NZ on my bike..
Day91 (FINAL DAY) 7am FEATHERSTON (2753km+) 3377km’s
- Well here I am.. The final day begins with the biggest hill in NZ :)
- My biggest climb is 11km up to the top of the RIMUTAKA HILL.. My biggest challenge left for the last day of this journey
Day91 (FINAL DAY) 3pm WELLINGTON 2753km + 3484km = 6237km
- I'm very wet.. Very cold.. Very tired.. I got no money.. No food.. But I’ve just ridden over THE RIMUTAKAS :)
- Grins.. I FINISHED MY TRIP. Umm.. Silly question = NOW WHAT?
- To everyone who has supported and who has helped me.. Everyone who has made my adventure what it was.. THANK U
- I dedicate this journey to my two aunties.. Jan and Laura.. who both passed away in 2009.. because they inspired me.
- And my friends at HURLEYVILLE SCHOOL every goal is achievable if u believe in yourself..
..Thank u all for believing in me.
I would also like to thank the following companies/people for being a huge part of my journey, for allowing me to achieve everything I set out to do, and so much more…
- Perry’s Precision Products Wellington - A E Tilley Wellington - Burkes Cycles Wellington - Canteen – Skate 4 Cancer – Magpies Rest Cheviot – Coronation Park Ashburton - The Cyclery Timaru - Avanti Plus Cycles Invercargil – Speedy Signs Invercargill - Waimatuku Garage - Alpine Machining & Engineering Queenstown – Wanaka Stainless - Westland Greenstone Hokatika - The Hokatika Guardian – All Nations Hotel Barrytown - The Nelson Mail - Mediaworks Radio – The Radio Network - Avanti Plus Cycles Levin - More FM Levin – More FM Wanganui - Hurleyville School – Speedy Signs New Plymouth - The Taranaki Daily - The Paparoa Pub – Avanti Plus Cycles Mt Eden - Big River FM - Sunshine FM – Te Ara Toi Gallery Awanui - Kahoe Farms Backpackers - Russell Radio - Russell Top Ten Holiday Park - Whangarei Top Ten Holiday Park - ZMFM Whangarei - Northern Advocate – Times FM - Rodney News – Bay of Plenty Times - Hicks Bay Store – Ngati Porou Radio - Avanti Plus Cycles Gisborne – Gisborne Herald –
- Waikanae Beach Holiday Park Gisborne - Hawkes Bay Today -
…and a special thank you must go out to all my family and friends for all of your support and good wishes, I will cherish each moment I spent with you always and quite simply I could not have done this amazing adventure without each and every single one of you.
For more information and contact details please go to –
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